RPA and The United Nations of Sounds & Embrace


Live music couldn’t really climb out from the CDs or YouTube. But it’s still very important to buy the albums for supporting the music industry. If you could get a ticket to the show, that’s even better.


Work and CD FEVER


This is the 3rd week of 2014 on my weekly planner. Also it’s the 5th week after I was on board in the Greenray Theater. As you could see the working load has become heavier and the schedule of this week is pretty tight. But I just had had a good weekend. Infong and I bought a lot of CDs on sale at the Eslite Music store. Embrace was one of my favorite Britpop bands few years ago. Of course I didn’t miss the 2012 live of Coldplay. They are always the greatest band. And finally, Richard Ashcroft, who is so famous because of being the lead vocalist of The Verve but I only knew him this few weeks and couldn’t help but fall in love with his sexy voice.

Fortune Chocolate


妹妹的朋友遠從比利時寄來的黑巧克力片,同時和著橘子乾,味道相當地好,包裝紙打開後還有一句格言 : )

The chocolate is sent from my sister’s friend in Belgien. It’s black chocolate mixed with little dried orange pieces inside which taste pretty good. Moreover, there is a quote within the wrapping paper.

Want a Bag!!


Today I had to much desire for buying stuff. It all started from online clothes shop in the morning and continued with “Angelia & Pets” business car after getting back home. Why couldn’t I stop thinking about a bag from this brand?!!

Exhibition Day


For the first time I visit some Café in order to put the advertising postcards of Greenray Theater’s new work. But it’s quite sad that some great ones (on our list before) are closed…

Also, Infong and I went to see the exhibition of “Pili Wuxia”. Although I don’t understand it at all, but it’s still an excellent experience. I’m so impressed with the whole story structure and all the characters!